- ⇄⧉final public showComponentTemplate(): void Function executes initialized template of the component.self::$basketBigComponent->showComponentTemplate() /** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113
- ⇄⧉final public addIncludeAreaIcon($arIcon): void Function adds an Icon to the component area in the editing mode.self::$basketBigComponent->addIncludeAreaIcon($arIcon) /** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123
- ⇄⧉final public addIncludeAreaIcons($arIcons): void Function replaces Icons displayed for the component by an collection.self::$basketBigComponent->addIncludeAreaIcons($arIcons) /** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133
- ⇄⧉final public getIncludeAreaIcons(): array[int][string]mixed Function returns the collection of the Icons displayed for the component.self::$basketBigComponent->getIncludeAreaIcons() /** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144
- ⇄⧉public getCacheID($additionalCacheID = false): string Function returns an cache identifier based on component parameters and environme...self::$basketBigComponent->getCacheID($additionalCacheID = false) /** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187
- ⇄⧉final public startResultCache($cacheTime = false, $additionalCacheID = false, $cachePath = false): string Function starts the caching block of the component execution.self::$basketBigComponent->startResultCache($cacheTime = false, $additionalCacheID = false, $cachePath = false) /** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197
- ⇄⧉final public endResultCache(): void Function ends the caching block of the component execution.self::$basketBigComponent->endResultCache() /** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206
- ⇄⧉final public abortResultCache(): void Function aborts the cache after it's start.self::$basketBigComponent->abortResultCache() Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216
- ⧉private checkAvailability($basket) Properties (2)Available methods (22)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object./** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
- ⇄⧉final protected __includeComponent(): mixed Function includes component.php file thus executing the component. Returns what ...self::$basketBigComponent->__includeComponent() Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
- ⇄⧉protected listKeysSignedParameters(): null|array List of keys of parameters which the component have to sign,self::$basketBigComponent->listKeysSignedParameters() Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216
- ⧉protected getAffectedReformattedBasketItemsInDiscount(Bitrix\Sale\BasketBase $basket, array $discountData, array $calcResults) /** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206
- ⧉protected getDiscountData(Bitrix\Sale\BasketBase $basket) /** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197
- ⇄⧉public getDefaultFrameMode()self::$basketBigComponent->getDefaultFrameMode() /** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187
- ⇄⧉public getRealFrameMode()self::$basketBigComponent->getRealFrameMode() /** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144
- ⇄⧉public getFrameMode()self::$basketBigComponent->getFrameMode() /** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133
- ⇄⧉public setFrameMode($mode): void Marks a component as capable of composite mode. You should use is to mark a whol...self::$basketBigComponent->setFrameMode($mode) /** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123
- ⇄⧉public randString($length = 6): string Function returns next pseudo random value.self::$basketBigComponent->randString($length = 6) /** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113
- ⇄⧉final public addViewTarget($target, $content, $pos): void Function registers new view target for the cache.self::$basketBigComponent->addViewTarget($target, $content, $pos) /** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
- ⇄⧉final public addEditButton($arButton): void Function adds a button to be displayed.self::$basketBigComponent->addEditButton($arButton) /** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92
- ⇄⧉final public addChildFrame($frame): void Registers child frame for cache.self::$basketBigComponent->addChildFrame($frame) /** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82
- ⇄⧉final public addChildEpilog($epilogFile): void Function registers children epilog file for cache.self::$basketBigComponent->addChildEpilog($epilogFile) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
- ⇄⧉final public addChildJS($jsPath): void Function registers children js file for cache.self::$basketBigComponent->addChildJS($jsPath) /** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
- ⇄⧉final public addChildCSS($cssPath): void Function registers children css file for cache.self::$basketBigComponent->addChildCSS($cssPath) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
- ⇄⧉public __showError($errorMessage, $errorCode = ''): void Function shows an internal error message.self::$basketBigComponent->__showError($errorMessage, $errorCode = '') /** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
- ⇄⧉final public includeComponentEpilog($arEpilogInfo): void Function restores component epilog environment and executes it.self::$basketBigComponent->includeComponentEpilog($arEpilogInfo) /** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17
- ⇄⧉final public setTemplateEpilog($arEpilogInfo): void Function saves component epilog environmentself::$basketBigComponent->setTemplateEpilog($arEpilogInfo) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70
- ⇄⧉final public addDeleteAction($entryId, $deleteLink, $deleteTitle = false, $arParams = array()): void Function adds an delete action to some area inside the component.self::$basketBigComponent->addDeleteAction($entryId, $deleteLink, $deleteTitle = false, $arParams = array()) /** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65
- ⇄⧉final public addEditAction($entryId, $editLink, $editTitle = false, $arParams = array()): void Function adds an edit action to some area inside the component.self::$basketBigComponent->addEditAction($entryId, $editLink, $editTitle = false, $arParams = array()) /** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57
- ⇄⧉final public getEditAreaId($entryId): string Function returns component area id for editing mode.self::$basketBigComponent->getEditAreaId($entryId) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49
- ⇄⧉final public setResultCacheKeys($arResultCacheKeys): void Function marks the arResult keys to be saved to cache. Just like __sleep magic m...self::$basketBigComponent->setResultCacheKeys($arResultCacheKeys) /** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29
- ⇄⧉final public getCachePath(): string Function returns component cache path.self::$basketBigComponent->getCachePath() Properties (2)Available methods (22)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object./** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
- ⇄⧉final public clearResultCache($additionalCacheID = false, $cachePath = false): void Function deletes the cache created before.self::$basketBigComponent->clearResultCache($additionalCacheID = false, $cachePath = false) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
- ⇄⧉final public initComponentTemplate($templatePage = '', $siteTemplate = false, $customTemplatePath = ''): bool Function initializes the template of the component. Returns true on success.self::$basketBigComponent->initComponentTemplate($templatePage = '', $siteTemplate = false, $customTemplatePath = '') /** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
- ⇄⧉final public includeComponentTemplate($templatePage = '', $customTemplatePath = ''): void Function executes the template.self::$basketBigComponent->includeComponentTemplate($templatePage = '', $customTemplatePath = '') /** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92
- ⇄⧉final public includeComponent($componentTemplate, $arParams, $parentComponent, $returnResult = false): mixed Function executes the component. Returns the result of it's execution.self::$basketBigComponent->includeComponent($componentTemplate, $arParams, $parentComponent, $returnResult = false) /** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82
- ⇄⧉final public includeComponentLang($relativePath = '', $lang = false): void Function includes language files from within the component directory.self::$basketBigComponent->includeComponentLang($relativePath = '', $lang = false) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
- ⇄⧉final public __prepareComponentParams(&$arParams): void Helper function for component parameters safe html escaping.self::$basketBigComponent->__prepareComponentParams(&$arParams) /** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
- ⇄⧉final public initComponent($componentName, $componentTemplate = false): bool Function initializes the component. Returns true on success.self::$basketBigComponent->initComponent($componentName, $componentTemplate = false) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
- ⇄⧉final public setTemplateCachedData($templateCachedData): void Function applies collection of the css files to the current template.self::$basketBigComponent->setTemplateCachedData($templateCachedData) /** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
- ⇄⧉final public getTemplateCachedData(): array[string][int]string Function returns current template css files or null if there is no template.self::$basketBigComponent->getTemplateCachedData() /** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17
- ⇄⧉final public getParent(): CBitrixComponent Function returns the parent component (if exists)self::$basketBigComponent->getParent() Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70
- ⇄⧉final public getTemplate(): CBitrixComponentTemplate Function returns the template objectself::$basketBigComponent->getTemplate() /** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65
- ⇄⧉final public getTemplatePage(): string Function returns the template page witch was set with initComponentTemplateself::$basketBigComponent->getTemplatePage() /** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57
- ⇄⧉final public getSignedParameters(): string|null Returns signed parameters. The list contains parameters which are presented in ...self::$basketBigComponent->getSignedParameters() Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49
- ⇄⧉public getLanguageId(): mixedself::$basketBigComponent->getLanguageId() /** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29
- ⇄⧉public setLanguageId($languageId)self::$basketBigComponent->setLanguageId($languageId) Properties (2)Available methods (22)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object./** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
- ⇄⧉public getSiteId(): mixedself::$basketBigComponent->getSiteId() Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
- ⇄⧉public setSiteId($siteId)self::$basketBigComponent->setSiteId($siteId) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216
- ⇄⧉public getSiteTemplateId(): mixedself::$basketBigComponent->getSiteTemplateId() /** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206
- ⇄⧉public setSiteTemplateId($siteTemplateId)self::$basketBigComponent->setSiteTemplateId($siteTemplateId) /** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197
- ⇄⧉final public setTemplateName($templateName): bool Function sets the name of the template. Returns true on success.self::$basketBigComponent->setTemplateName($templateName) /** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187
- ⇄⧉final public getTemplateName(): string Function returns the name of the templateself::$basketBigComponent->getTemplateName() /** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144
- ⇄⧉final public getPath(): string Function returns path to component relative to Web server DOCUMENT_ROOT in form ...self::$basketBigComponent->getPath() /** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133
- ⇄⧉final public getRelativePath(): string Function returns path to component in form /bitrix/component.nameself::$basketBigComponent->getRelativePath() /** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123
- ⇄⧉final public getName(): string Function returns component name in form bitrix:component.nameself::$basketBigComponent->getName() /** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113
- ⇄⧉public __construct($component = null) Constructor with ability to copy the component.new \BasketBigComponent($component = null) /** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
- ⇄⧉public onIncludeComponentLang(): void Event called from includeComponent before component execution.self::$basketBigComponent->onIncludeComponentLang() /** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92
- ⇄⧉public onPrepareComponentParams($arParams): array[string]mixed Event called from includeComponent before component execution.self::$basketBigComponent->onPrepareComponentParams($arParams) /** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82
- ⇄⧉public delayAction($items)self::$basketBigComponent->delayAction($items) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
- ⇄⧉public addGiftAction($productId)self::$basketBigComponent->addGiftAction($productId) /** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
- ⇄⧉public checkAvailabilityAction()self::$basketBigComponent->checkAvailabilityAction() Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
- ⇄⧉public executeComponent()self::$basketBigComponent->executeComponent() /** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
- ⇄⧉public getExcel()self::$basketBigComponent->getExcel() /** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17
- ⇄⧉public getCupon()self::$basketBigComponent->getCupon() Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70
- ⇄⧉public getProduct($id)self::$basketBigComponent->getProduct($id) /** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65
- ⇄⧉public getData()self::$basketBigComponent->getData() /** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57
- ⇄⧉public getUserId()self::$basketBigComponent->getUserId() Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49
- ⇄⧉public init()self::$basketBigComponent->init() /** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29
- ⇄⧉public printAction()self::$basketBigComponent->printAction() Properties (2)Available methods (22)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object./** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
- ⇄⧉public removeCouponAction($post)self::$basketBigComponent->removeCouponAction($post) Base64base64_decode(requestedPageDirectory) binary string (12)
- ⇄⧉public applyCouponAction($post)self::$basketBigComponent->applyCouponAction($post) 2024-02-01 10:14:38 UTC
- ⇄⧉public deleteSetAction($post, $executeTemplate = true): array Удалить сет из корзиныself::$basketBigComponent->deleteSetAction($post, $executeTemplate = true) Base64base64_decode(PHP_SELF) binary string (12)
- ⇄⧉public deleteAction($post)self::$basketBigComponent->deleteAction($post) Base64base64_decode(SCRIPT_NAME) binary string (12)
- ⇄⧉public editAction($post)self::$basketBigComponent->editAction($post) Base64base64_decode(REQUEST_URI) binary string (12)
- ⇄⧉public checkModules()self::$basketBigComponent->checkModules() Base64base64_decode(DOCUMENT_URI) binary string (12)
- ⇄⧉public configureActions()self::$basketBigComponent->configureActions() Directory (12KB)drwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 12KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html
- protected setKeyDelimiter -> string (7) "__|||__" File (307B)-rwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 307B Aug 09 2023 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php
- ⇄2 => string (4) "sale"self::$basketBigComponent->modules[2] Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
- ⇄1 => string (7) "catalog"self::$basketBigComponent->modules[1] Directory (4KB)drwx------ 1001 1002 4KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www-data
- ⇄0 => string (6) "iblock"self::$basketBigComponent->modules[0] Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:255
- ⇄⧉public modules -> array (3)self::$basketBigComponent->modules Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
- protected signedParameters -> null Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216
- private languageId -> string (2) "ru" /** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206
- private siteTemplateId -> string (7) "amp2023" /** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197
- private siteId -> string (2) "s1" /** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187
- ⧉protected static normalize($path) /** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144
- ⧉protected static decode($url) /** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133
- ⇄⧉public static getInput(): bool|string Returns raw request data from php://input.\Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest::getInput() /** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123
- ⇄⧉public static getSystemParameters(): array Returns the array with predefined query parameters.\Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest::getSystemParameters() /** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113
- ⧉private normalizeHeaders(array $headers) /** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
- ⧉private fetchHeaders(Bitrix\Main\Server $server) /** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92
- ⧉private buildHttpHeaders(Bitrix\Main\Server $server) /** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82
- ⧉protected prepareCookie(array $cookies): array /** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
- ⧉public isAjaxRequest(): bool Returns true if current request is AJAX /** * Returns server http host. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:64
- ⧉public isAdminSection() /** * Returns custom root folder. * Server variable BX_PERSONAL_ROOT is used. If empty - returns /bitrix. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:50
- ⧉public getRequestedPageDirectory(): string Retuns the current directory with a trailing slash (/). /** * Returns server document root. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:39
- ⧉public getScriptName() Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:26
- ⧉public getPhpSelf() /** * Creates server object. * * @param array $arServer */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:18
- ⧉public getServer(): Server 2024-02-01 10:14:38 UTC
- ⧉public decodeJson(): void Decodes JSON from application/json requests. Base64base64_decode(PHP_SELF) binary string (12)
- ⧉public isJson(): bool Base64base64_decode(SCRIPT_NAME) binary string (12)
- ⧉public getCookiesMode(): null|string Returns Y if persistant cookies are enabled, N if disabled, or empty if unknown. Base64base64_decode(REQUEST_URI) binary string (12)
- ⧉public getScriptFile(): string Returns script file possibly corrected by urlrewrite.php or virtual_file_system.... Base64base64_decode(DOCUMENT_URI) binary string (12)
- ⧉public modifyByQueryString($queryString) Directory (12KB)drwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 12KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html
- ⧉public isHttps() File (307B)-rwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 307B Aug 09 2023 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php
- ⧉public getHttpHost(): string Returns the host from the server variable without a port number. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
- ⧉public getDecodedUri(): string Returns url-decoded and converted to the current encoding URI of the request (ex... Directory (4KB)drwx------ 1001 1002 4KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www-data
- ⧉public getRequestedPage(): string Returns the current page calculated from the request URI. USER => string (8) "www-data"⧉HOME => string (14) "/home/www-data"Directory (4KB)drwx------ 1001 1002 4KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www-data HTTP_CONNECTION => string (10) "Keep-Alive"HTTP_REFERER => string (39) "https://www.amperkin.ru/product/320178/"HTTP_ACCEPT => string (47) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml"HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING => string (13) "gzip, deflate"⧉HTTP_USER_AGENT => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 HTTP_HOST => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru"⧉SCRIPT_FILENAME => string (55) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php"File (307B)-rwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 307B Aug 09 2023 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php REDIRECT_STATUS => string (3) "200"SERVER_NAME => string (11) "amperkin.ru"SERVER_PORT => string (3) "443"SERVER_ADDR => string (14) ""REMOTE_PORT => string (5) "52876"REMOTE_ADDR => string (15) ""SERVER_SOFTWARE => string (12) "nginx/1.20.1"GATEWAY_INTERFACE => string (7) "CGI/1.1"HTTPS => string (2) "on"REQUEST_SCHEME => string (5) "https"SERVER_PROTOCOL => string (8) "HTTP/1.1"⧉DOCUMENT_ROOT => string (33) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html"Directory (12KB)drwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 12KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html ⧉DOCUMENT_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(DOCUMENT_URI) binary string (12)⧉REQUEST_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(REQUEST_URI) binary string (12)⧉SCRIPT_NAME => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(SCRIPT_NAME) binary string (12)CONTENT_LENGTH => string (0) ""CONTENT_TYPE => string (0) ""REQUEST_METHOD => string (3) "GET"QUERY_STRING => string (0) ""FCGI_ROLE => string (9) "RESPONDER"⧉PHP_SELF => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(PHP_SELF) binary string (12)REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT => double 1706782478.0225⧉REQUEST_TIME => integer 17067824782024-02-01 10:14:38 UTCREAL_FILE_PATH => string (20) "/catalog/product.php"
- ⧉public getAcceptedLanguages() Properties (2)Available methods (40)Iterator (33)⧉protected values -> array (33)USER => string (8) "www-data"⧉HOME => string (14) "/home/www-data"Directory (4KB)drwx------ 1001 1002 4KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www-data HTTP_CONNECTION => string (10) "Keep-Alive"HTTP_REFERER => string (39) "https://www.amperkin.ru/product/320178/"HTTP_ACCEPT => string (47) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml"HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING => string (13) "gzip, deflate"⧉HTTP_USER_AGENT => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 HTTP_HOST => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru"⧉SCRIPT_FILENAME => string (55) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php"File (307B)-rwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 307B Aug 09 2023 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php REDIRECT_STATUS => string (3) "200"SERVER_NAME => string (11) "amperkin.ru"SERVER_PORT => string (3) "443"SERVER_ADDR => string (14) ""REMOTE_PORT => string (5) "52876"REMOTE_ADDR => string (15) ""SERVER_SOFTWARE => string (12) "nginx/1.20.1"GATEWAY_INTERFACE => string (7) "CGI/1.1"HTTPS => string (2) "on"REQUEST_SCHEME => string (5) "https"SERVER_PROTOCOL => string (8) "HTTP/1.1"⧉DOCUMENT_ROOT => string (33) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html"Directory (12KB)drwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 12KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html ⧉DOCUMENT_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(DOCUMENT_URI) binary string (12)⧉REQUEST_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(REQUEST_URI) binary string (12)⧉SCRIPT_NAME => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(SCRIPT_NAME) binary string (12)CONTENT_LENGTH => string (0) ""CONTENT_TYPE => string (0) ""REQUEST_METHOD => string (3) "GET"QUERY_STRING => string (0) ""FCGI_ROLE => string (9) "RESPONDER"⧉PHP_SELF => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(PHP_SELF) binary string (12)REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT => double 1706782478.0225⧉REQUEST_TIME => integer 17067824782024-02-01 10:14:38 UTCREAL_FILE_PATH => string (20) "/catalog/product.php"protected rawValues -> null⧉public __construct(array $arServer) Creates server object./** * Creates server object. * * @param array $arServer */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:18⧉public addFilter(Bitrix\Main\Type\IRequestFilter $filter)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:26⧉public getDocumentRoot(): string | null Returns server document root./** * Returns server document root. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:39⧉public getPersonalRoot(): string | null Returns custom root folder. Server variable BX_PERSONAL_ROOT is used. If empty -.../** * Returns custom root folder. * Server variable BX_PERSONAL_ROOT is used. If empty - returns /bitrix. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:50⧉public getHttpHost(): string | null Returns server http host./** * Returns server http host. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:64⧉public getServerName(): string | null Returns server name./** * Returns server name. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:74⧉public getServerAddr(): string | null Returns server address./** * Returns server address. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:84⧉public getRemoteAddr(): string|null Returns remote address./** * Returns remote address. * @return string|null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:93⧉public getUserAgent(): string|null Returns user agent./** * Returns user agent. * @return string|null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:102⧉public getServerPort(): string | null Returns server port./** * Returns server port. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:112⧉public getRequestScheme()Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:117⧉public getRequestUri(): string | null Returns requested uri. /index.php/test1/test2?login=yes&back_url_admin=//** * Returns requested uri. * /index.php/test1/test2?login=yes&back_url_admin=/ * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:128⧉public getRequestMethod(): string | null Returns requested method./** * Returns requested method. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:138⧉public getPhpSelf(): string | null Returns PHP_SELF. /index.php/test1/test2/** * Returns PHP_SELF. * /index.php/test1/test2 * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:149⧉public getScriptName(): string | null Returns SCRIPT_NAME. /index.php/** * Returns SCRIPT_NAME. * /index.php * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:160⧉public rewriteUri($url, $queryString, $redirectStatus = null)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:165⧉public transferUri($url, $queryString = '')Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:173⧉public parseAuthRequest(): array|false/** * @return array|false */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:189⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14⧉protected static parseDigest($digest)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:255USER => string (8) "www-data"⧉HOME => string (14) "/home/www-data"Directory (4KB)drwx------ 1001 1002 4KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www-data HTTP_CONNECTION => string (10) "Keep-Alive"HTTP_REFERER => string (39) "https://www.amperkin.ru/product/320178/"HTTP_ACCEPT => string (47) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml"HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING => string (13) "gzip, deflate"⧉HTTP_USER_AGENT => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 HTTP_HOST => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru"⧉SCRIPT_FILENAME => string (55) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php"File (307B)-rwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 307B Aug 09 2023 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php REDIRECT_STATUS => string (3) "200"SERVER_NAME => string (11) "amperkin.ru"SERVER_PORT => string (3) "443"SERVER_ADDR => string (14) ""REMOTE_PORT => string (5) "52876"REMOTE_ADDR => string (15) ""SERVER_SOFTWARE => string (12) "nginx/1.20.1"GATEWAY_INTERFACE => string (7) "CGI/1.1"HTTPS => string (2) "on"REQUEST_SCHEME => string (5) "https"SERVER_PROTOCOL => string (8) "HTTP/1.1"⧉DOCUMENT_ROOT => string (33) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html"Directory (12KB)drwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 12KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html ⧉DOCUMENT_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(DOCUMENT_URI) binary string (12)⧉REQUEST_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(REQUEST_URI) binary string (12)⧉SCRIPT_NAME => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(SCRIPT_NAME) binary string (12)CONTENT_LENGTH => string (0) ""CONTENT_TYPE => string (0) ""REQUEST_METHOD => string (3) "GET"QUERY_STRING => string (0) ""FCGI_ROLE => string (9) "RESPONDER"⧉PHP_SELF => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(PHP_SELF) binary string (12)REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT => double 1706782478.0225⧉REQUEST_TIME => integer 17067824782024-02-01 10:14:38 UTCREAL_FILE_PATH => string (20) "/catalog/product.php"
- ⧉public isPost() Properties (14)Available methods (66)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉protected server -> Bitrix\Main\Server (2)Properties (2)Available methods (40)Iterator (33)⧉protected values -> array (33)USER => string (8) "www-data"⧉HOME => string (14) "/home/www-data"Directory (4KB)drwx------ 1001 1002 4KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www-data HTTP_CONNECTION => string (10) "Keep-Alive"HTTP_REFERER => string (39) "https://www.amperkin.ru/product/320178/"HTTP_ACCEPT => string (47) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml"HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING => string (13) "gzip, deflate"⧉HTTP_USER_AGENT => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 HTTP_HOST => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru"⧉SCRIPT_FILENAME => string (55) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php"File (307B)-rwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 307B Aug 09 2023 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php REDIRECT_STATUS => string (3) "200"SERVER_NAME => string (11) "amperkin.ru"SERVER_PORT => string (3) "443"SERVER_ADDR => string (14) ""REMOTE_PORT => string (5) "52876"REMOTE_ADDR => string (15) ""SERVER_SOFTWARE => string (12) "nginx/1.20.1"GATEWAY_INTERFACE => string (7) "CGI/1.1"HTTPS => string (2) "on"REQUEST_SCHEME => string (5) "https"SERVER_PROTOCOL => string (8) "HTTP/1.1"⧉DOCUMENT_ROOT => string (33) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html"Directory (12KB)drwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 12KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html ⧉DOCUMENT_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(DOCUMENT_URI) binary string (12)⧉REQUEST_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(REQUEST_URI) binary string (12)⧉SCRIPT_NAME => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(SCRIPT_NAME) binary string (12)CONTENT_LENGTH => string (0) ""CONTENT_TYPE => string (0) ""REQUEST_METHOD => string (3) "GET"QUERY_STRING => string (0) ""FCGI_ROLE => string (9) "RESPONDER"⧉PHP_SELF => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(PHP_SELF) binary string (12)REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT => double 1706782478.0225⧉REQUEST_TIME => integer 17067824782024-02-01 10:14:38 UTCREAL_FILE_PATH => string (20) "/catalog/product.php"protected rawValues -> null⧉public __construct(array $arServer) Creates server object./** * Creates server object. * * @param array $arServer */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:18⧉public addFilter(Bitrix\Main\Type\IRequestFilter $filter)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:26⧉public getDocumentRoot(): string | null Returns server document root./** * Returns server document root. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:39⧉public getPersonalRoot(): string | null Returns custom root folder. Server variable BX_PERSONAL_ROOT is used. If empty -.../** * Returns custom root folder. * Server variable BX_PERSONAL_ROOT is used. If empty - returns /bitrix. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:50⧉public getHttpHost(): string | null Returns server http host./** * Returns server http host. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:64⧉public getServerName(): string | null Returns server name./** * Returns server name. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:74⧉public getServerAddr(): string | null Returns server address./** * Returns server address. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:84⧉public getRemoteAddr(): string|null Returns remote address./** * Returns remote address. * @return string|null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:93⧉public getUserAgent(): string|null Returns user agent./** * Returns user agent. * @return string|null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:102⧉public getServerPort(): string | null Returns server port./** * Returns server port. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:112⧉public getRequestScheme()Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:117⧉public getRequestUri(): string | null Returns requested uri. /index.php/test1/test2?login=yes&back_url_admin=//** * Returns requested uri. * /index.php/test1/test2?login=yes&back_url_admin=/ * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:128⧉public getRequestMethod(): string | null Returns requested method./** * Returns requested method. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:138⧉public getPhpSelf(): string | null Returns PHP_SELF. /index.php/test1/test2/** * Returns PHP_SELF. * /index.php/test1/test2 * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:149⧉public getScriptName(): string | null Returns SCRIPT_NAME. /index.php/** * Returns SCRIPT_NAME. * /index.php * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:160⧉public rewriteUri($url, $queryString, $redirectStatus = null)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:165⧉public transferUri($url, $queryString = '')Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:173⧉public parseAuthRequest(): array|false/** * @return array|false */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:189⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14⧉protected static parseDigest($digest)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/server.php:255USER => string (8) "www-data"⧉HOME => string (14) "/home/www-data"Directory (4KB)drwx------ 1001 1002 4KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www-data HTTP_CONNECTION => string (10) "Keep-Alive"HTTP_REFERER => string (39) "https://www.amperkin.ru/product/320178/"HTTP_ACCEPT => string (47) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml"HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING => string (13) "gzip, deflate"⧉HTTP_USER_AGENT => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 HTTP_HOST => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru"⧉SCRIPT_FILENAME => string (55) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php"File (307B)-rwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 307B Aug 09 2023 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php REDIRECT_STATUS => string (3) "200"SERVER_NAME => string (11) "amperkin.ru"SERVER_PORT => string (3) "443"SERVER_ADDR => string (14) ""REMOTE_PORT => string (5) "52876"REMOTE_ADDR => string (15) ""SERVER_SOFTWARE => string (12) "nginx/1.20.1"GATEWAY_INTERFACE => string (7) "CGI/1.1"HTTPS => string (2) "on"REQUEST_SCHEME => string (5) "https"SERVER_PROTOCOL => string (8) "HTTP/1.1"⧉DOCUMENT_ROOT => string (33) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html"Directory (12KB)drwxr-xr-x 1001 1002 12KB Feb 01 12:41 /home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html ⧉DOCUMENT_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(DOCUMENT_URI) binary string (12)⧉REQUEST_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(REQUEST_URI) binary string (12)⧉SCRIPT_NAME => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(SCRIPT_NAME) binary string (12)CONTENT_LENGTH => string (0) ""CONTENT_TYPE => string (0) ""REQUEST_METHOD => string (3) "GET"QUERY_STRING => string (0) ""FCGI_ROLE => string (9) "RESPONDER"⧉PHP_SELF => string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(PHP_SELF) binary string (12)REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT => double 1706782478.0225⧉REQUEST_TIME => integer 17067824782024-02-01 10:14:38 UTCREAL_FILE_PATH => string (20) "/catalog/product.php"protected requestedPage -> string (25) "/product/320178/index.php"⧉protected requestedPageDirectory -> string (16) "/product/320178/"Base64base64_decode(requestedPageDirectory) binary string (12)⧉protected queryString -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2)Properties (2)Available methods (22)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object./** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14⧉protected postData -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2)Properties (2)Available methods (22)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object./** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14⧉protected files -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2)Properties (2)Available methods (22)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object./** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14⧉protected cookies -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2)Properties (2)Available methods (22)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object./** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14⧉protected cookiesRaw -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2)Properties (2)Available methods (22)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object./** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14⧉protected jsonData -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2)Properties (2)Available methods (22)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object./** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14⧉protected headers -> Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders (3)Properties (3)Available methods (27)Static class propertiesIterator (8)⧉protected headers -> array (8)Table (8)Contents (8)namevaluesconnectionconnectionarray (1)refererrefererarray (1)acceptacceptarray (1)accept-encodingaccept-encodingarray (1)user-agentuser-agentarray (1)hosthostarray (1)content-lengthcontent-lengtharray (1)content-typecontent-typearray (1)⧉connection => array (2)name => string (10) "connection"⧉values => array (1)0 => string (10) "Keep-Alive"⧉referer => array (2)name => string (7) "referer"⧉values => array (1)0 => string (39) "https://www.amperkin.ru/product/320178/"⧉accept => array (2)name => string (6) "accept"⧉values => array (1)0 => string (47) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml"⧉accept-encoding => array (2)name => string (15) "accept-encoding"⧉values => array (1)0 => string (13) "gzip, deflate"⧉user-agent => array (2)name => string (10) "user-agent"⧉values => array (1)⧉0 => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 ⧉host => array (2)name => string (4) "host"⧉values => array (1)0 => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru"⧉content-length => array (2)name => string (14) "content-length"⧉values => array (1)0 => string (0) ""⧉content-type => array (2)name => string (12) "content-type"⧉values => array (1)0 => string (0) ""protected version -> string (3) "1.1"protected reasonPhrase -> null⧉public __construct(array $headers = null)/** * @param string[] | string[][] | null $headers */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:29⧉public add($name, $value) Adds a header value./** * Adds a header value. * @param string $name * @param string | array $value * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:46⧉public set($name, $value) Sets (replaces) a header value./** * Sets (replaces) a header value. * @param string $name * @param string | string[] $value */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:117⧉public get($name, $returnArray = false): null | string | string[] Returns a header value by its name. If $returnArray is true then an array with m.../** * Returns a header value by its name. If $returnArray is true then an array with multiple values is returned. * @param string $name * @param bool $returnArray * @return null | string | string[] */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:129⧉public delete($name): void Deletes a header or headers by its name./** * Deletes a header or headers by its name. * * @param string $name * @return void */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:152⧉public has(string $name): bool Returns true if a header is set./** * Returns true if a header is set. * * @param string $name * @return bool */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:168⧉public clear() Clears all headers./** * Clears all headers. */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:178⧉public toString(): string Returns the string representation for an HTTP request./** * Returns the string representation for an HTTP request. * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns headers as a raw array./** * Returns headers as a raw array. * @return array */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:205⧉public getContentType(): null|string Returns the content type part of the Content-Type header in lower case./** * Returns the content type part of the Content-Type header in lower case. * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:214⧉public getContentTypeAttribute(string $attribute): null|string Returns the specified attribute part of the Content-Type header./** * Returns the specified attribute part of the Content-Type header. * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:232⧉public getBoundary(): null|string Returns the boundary value of the Content-Type header./** * Returns the boundary value of the Content-Type header. * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:257⧉public getCharset(): null|string Returns the charset part of the Content-Type header./** * Returns the charset part of the Content-Type header. * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:266⧉public getContentDisposition(): null|string Disposition-type part of the Content-Disposition header if found or null otherwise. Returns disposition-type part of the Content-Disposition header/** * Returns disposition-type part of the Content-Disposition header * @return null|string Disposition-type part of the Content-Disposition header if found or null otherwise. */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:275⧉public getFilename(): string|null Filename if it was found in the Content-disposition header or null otherwise. Returns a filename from the Content-disposition header./** * Returns a filename from the Content-disposition header. * * @return string|null Filename if it was found in the Content-disposition header or null otherwise. */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:293⧉public getIterator(): Traversable Retrieve an external iterator/** * Retrieve an external iterator * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iteratoraggregate.getiterator.php * @return Traversable An instance of an object implementing <b>Iterator</b> or * <b>Traversable</b> * @since 5.0.0 */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:345⧉public getCookies(): Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpCookies Returns parsed cookies from 'set-cookie' headers./** * Returns parsed cookies from 'set-cookie' headers. * @return HttpCookies */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:360⧉public getHeaders(): array Retuns the headers as a two-dimentional array ('name' => values)./** * Retuns the headers as a two-dimentional array ('name' => values). * * @return string[][] */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:380⧉public parseStatus(string $status): Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders/** * @param string $status * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:437⧉public setStatus(int $status, string $reasonPhrase = null): Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders Sets HTTP status code and prase./** * Sets HTTP status code and prase. * * @param int $status * @param string|null $reasonPhrase * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:455⧉public getStatus(): intDefined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:463⧉public setVersion(string $version): Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeadersDefined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:468⧉public getVersion(): stringDefined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:475⧉public getReasonPhrase(): stringDefined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:480⇄⧉public static createFromString(string $response): Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders Creates an object from a http response string.\Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders::createFromString(string $response)/** * Creates an object from a http response string. * * @param string $response * @return HttpHeaders */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:391⧉protected static validateName(string $name): bool/** * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2 * field-name = token * token = 1*tchar * tchar = "!" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "&" / "'" / "*" * / "+" / "-" / "." / "^" / "_" / "`" / "|" / "~" * / DIGIT / ALPHA */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:94⧉protected static validateValue(string $value): bool/** * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2 * field-value = *( field-content / obs-fold ) * field-content = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ] * field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text * VCHAR = %x21-7E * obs-text = %x80-FF */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:107⇄const DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS :: integer 0\Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders::DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS⧉connection => array (1)0 => string (10) "Keep-Alive"⧉referer => array (1)0 => string (39) "https://www.amperkin.ru/product/320178/"⧉accept => array (1)0 => string (47) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml"⧉accept-encoding => array (1)0 => string (13) "gzip, deflate"⧉user-agent => array (1)⧉0 => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 ⧉host => array (1)0 => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru"⧉content-length => array (1)0 => string (0) ""⧉content-type => array (1)0 => string (0) ""protected httpHost -> string (15) "www.amperkin.ru"protected acceptedLanguages -> null⧉public __construct(Bitrix\Main\Server $server, array $queryString, array $postData, array $files, array $cookies) Creates new HttpRequest object/** * Creates new HttpRequest object * * @param Server $server * @param array $queryString _GET * @param array $postData _POST * @param array $files _FILES * @param array $cookies _COOKIE */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:61⧉public addFilter(Bitrix\Main\Type\IRequestFilter $filter) Applies filter to the http request data. Preserve original values./** * Applies filter to the http request data. Preserve original values. * * @param Type\IRequestFilter $filter Filter object */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:91⧉public getQuery($name): null | string | array Returns the GET parameter of the current request./** * Returns the GET parameter of the current request. * * @param string $name Parameter name * @return null | string | array */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:137⧉public getQueryList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of GET parameters of the current request./** * Returns the list of GET parameters of the current request. * * @return Type\ParameterDictionary */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:147⧉public getPost($name): string | array | null Returns the POST parameter of the current request./** * Returns the POST parameter of the current request. * * @param $name * @return string | array | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:158⧉public getPostList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of POST parameters of the current request./** * Returns the list of POST parameters of the current request. * * @return Type\ParameterDictionary */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:168⧉public getFile($name): string | array | null Returns the FILES parameter of the current request./** * Returns the FILES parameter of the current request. * * @param $name * @return string | array | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:179⧉public getFileList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of FILES parameters of the current request./** * Returns the list of FILES parameters of the current request. * * @return Type\ParameterDictionary */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:189⧉public getHeader($name): null|string Returns the header of the current request./** * Returns the header of the current request. * * @param string $name Name of header. * * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:201⧉public getHeaders(): HttpHeaders Returns the list of headers of the current request./** * Returns the list of headers of the current request. * * @return HttpHeaders */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:211⧉public getCookie($name): null|string Returns the COOKIES parameter of the current request./** * Returns the COOKIES parameter of the current request. * * @param $name * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:222⧉public getCookieList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of COOKIES parameters of the current request./** * Returns the list of COOKIES parameters of the current request. * * @return Type\ParameterDictionary */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:232⧉public getCookieRaw($name)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:237⧉public getCookieRawList()Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:242⧉public getJsonList()Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:247⧉public getRemoteAddress()Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:252⧉public getUserAgent(): null|string Returns the User-Agent HTTP request header./** * Returns the User-Agent HTTP request header. * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:261⧉public getRequestUri()Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:266⧉public getRequestMethod()Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:271⧉public getServerPort(): string | null Returns server port./** * Returns server port. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:281⧉public isPost()Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:286⧉public getAcceptedLanguages()Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:291⧉public getRequestedPage(): string Returns the current page calculated from the request URI./** * Returns the current page calculated from the request URI. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:313⧉public getDecodedUri(): string Returns url-decoded and converted to the current encoding URI of the request (ex.../** * Returns url-decoded and converted to the current encoding URI of the request (except the query string). * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:335⧉public getHttpHost(): string Returns the host from the server variable without a port number./** * Returns the host from the server variable without a port number. * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:358⧉public isHttps()Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:373⧉public modifyByQueryString($queryString)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:391⧉public getScriptFile(): string Returns script file possibly corrected by urlrewrite.php or virtual_file_system..../** * Returns script file possibly corrected by urlrewrite.php or virtual_file_system.php. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:492⧉public getCookiesMode(): null|string Returns Y if persistant cookies are enabled, N if disabled, or empty if unknown./** * Returns Y if persistant cookies are enabled, N if disabled, or empty if unknown. * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:546⧉public isJson(): boolDefined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:551⧉public decodeJson(): void Decodes JSON from application/json requests./** * Decodes JSON from application/json requests. */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:569⧉public getServer(): Server/** * @return Server */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:38⧉public getPhpSelf()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:43⧉public getScriptName()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:48⧉public getRequestedPageDirectory(): string Retuns the current directory with a trailing slash (/)./** * Retuns the current directory with a trailing slash (/). * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:77⧉public isAdminSection()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:87⧉public isAjaxRequest(): bool Returns true if current request is AJAX/** * Returns true if current request is AJAX * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:101⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected prepareCookie(array $cookies): array/** * @param array $cookies * @return array */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:406⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14⧉private buildHttpHeaders(Bitrix\Main\Server $server)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:75⧉private fetchHeaders(Bitrix\Main\Server $server)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:444⧉private normalizeHeaders(array $headers)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:463⇄⧉public static getSystemParameters(): array Returns the array with predefined query parameters.\Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest::getSystemParameters()/** * Returns the array with predefined query parameters. * @return array */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:509⇄⧉public static getInput(): bool|string Returns raw request data from php://input.\Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest::getInput()/** * Returns raw request data from php://input. * @return bool|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:537⧉protected static decode($url)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:349⧉protected static normalize($path)Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:475
- ⧉public getRequestMethod() /** * Function clears entire component cache. * * <p>Note: parameters must exactly match to startResultCache call.</p> * @param string $componentName * @param string $siteId * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1278
- ⧉public getRequestUri() /** * Function includes class of the component by component name bitrix:component.base * * @param string $componentName * @return string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:391
- ⧉public getUserAgent(): null|string Returns the User-Agent HTTP request header. Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:612
- ⧉public getRemoteAddress() Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:541
- ⧉public getJsonList() /** * Function includes component.php file thus executing the component. Returns what component.php returns. * * <p>Before include there is some helper variables made available for component.php scope.</p> * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @return mixed * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:586
- ⧉public getCookieRawList() /** * List of keys of parameters which the component have to sign, * * @return null|array */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:310
- ⧉public getCookieRaw($name) Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:479
- ⧉public getCookieList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of COOKIES parameters of the current request. Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:449
- ⧉public getCookie($name): null|string Returns the COOKIES parameter of the current request. Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1653
- ⧉public getHeaders(): HttpHeaders Returns the list of headers of the current request. Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1648
- ⧉public getHeader($name): null|string Returns the header of the current request. Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1638
- ⧉public getFileList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of FILES parameters of the current request. /** * Marks a component as capable of composite mode. * You should use is to mark a whole component as * composite incompatible. * * @param bool $mode * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1630
- ⧉public getFile($name): string | array | null Returns the FILES parameter of the current request. /** * Function returns next pseudo random value. * * @param int $length * @return string * * @see \Bitrix\Main\Type\RandomSequence::randString */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1611
- ⧉public getPostList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of POST parameters of the current request. /** * Function registers new view target for the cache. * * @param string $target * @param string $content * @param int $pos * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1583
- ⧉public getPost($name): string | array | null Returns the POST parameter of the current request. /** * Function adds a button to be displayed. * * @param array[int]string $arButton * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1570
- ⧉public getQueryList(): Type\ParameterDictionary Returns the list of GET parameters of the current request. /** * Registers child frame for cache. * * @param \Bitrix\Main\Composite\StaticArea $frame * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1558
- ⧉public getQuery($name): null | string | array Returns the GET parameter of the current request. /** * Function registers children epilog file for cache. * * @param string $epilogFile * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1546
- ⧉public addFilter(Bitrix\Main\Type\IRequestFilter $filter) Applies filter to the http request data. Preserve original values. /** * Function registers children js file for cache. * * @param string $jsPath * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1535
- ⧉public __construct(Bitrix\Main\Server $server, array $queryString, array $postData, array $files, array $cookies) Creates new HttpRequest object /** * Function registers children css file for cache. * * @param string $cssPath * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1524
- protected acceptedLanguages -> null /** * Function shows an internal error message. * * @param string $errorMessage * @param string $errorCode * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1512
- protected httpHost -> string (15) "www.amperkin.ru" /** * Function restores component epilog environment and executes it. * * @param array[string]mixed $arEpilogInfo * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1485
- ⧉content-type => array (1) /** * Function adds an delete action to some area inside the component. * * <ul> * <li>$arParams['CONFIRM'] = false - disable confirm; * <li>$arParams['CONFIRM'] = 'Text' - confirm with custom text; * <li>no $arParams['CONFIRM'] at all - confirm with default text * </ul> * @param string $entryId * @param string $deleteLink * @param string|bool $deleteTitle * @param array[string]mixed $arParams * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1417
- ⧉content-length => array (1) /** * Function returns component area id for editing mode. * * @param string $entryId * @return string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1345
- ⧉host => array (1) /** * Function returns component cache path. * * @return string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1319
- ⧉user-agent => array (1) /** * Function aborts the cache after it's start. * * <p>Note: must be called if component returns before endResultCache or includeComponentTemplate called.</p> * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1226
- ⧉accept-encoding => array (1) /** * Function starts the caching block of the component execution. * * @param int|bool $cacheTime * @param mixed $additionalCacheID * @param string|bool $cachePath * @return string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:897
- ⧉accept => array (1) /** * Function returns the collection of the Icons displayed for the component. * * @return array[int][string]mixed * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:842
- ⧉referer => array (1) /** * Function adds an Icon to the component area in the editing mode. * * @param array[string]mixed $arIcon * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:817
- ⧉connection => array (1) /** * Function initializes the template of the component. Returns true on success. * * <p>Instansiates the template object and calls it's init function.</p> * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @param string $templatePage * @param string|bool $siteTemplate * @param string $customTemplatePath * @return bool * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:750
- ⇄const DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS :: integer 0\Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders::DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS /** * Function executes the template. * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @param string $templatePage * @param string $customTemplatePath * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:717
- ⧉protected static validateValue(string $value): bool /** * Function executes the component. Returns the result of it's execution. * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @param string $componentTemplate * @param array $arParams * @param CBitrixComponent|null $parentComponent * @return mixed * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:627
- ⧉protected static validateName(string $name): bool /** * Function includes language files from within the component directory. * * <p>For example: $this->includeComponentLang("ajax.php") will include "lang/en/ajax.php" file. </p> * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @param string $relativePath * @param string|bool $lang * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:559
- ⇄⧉public static createFromString(string $response): Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders Creates an object from a http response string.\Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders::createFromString(string $response) /** * Helper function for component parameters safe html escaping. * * @param array[string]mixed &$arParams * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:507
- ⧉public getReasonPhrase(): string /** * Function initializes the component. Returns true on success. * * <p>It is absolutly necessery to call this function before any component usage.</p> * @param string $componentName * @param string|bool $componentTemplate * @return bool * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:451
- ⧉public getVersion(): string /** * Function applies collection of the css files to the current template. * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @param array[string][int]string $templateCachedData * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:379
- ⧉public setVersion(string $version): Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders /** * Function returns current template css files or null if there is no template. * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @return array[string][int]string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:364
- ⧉public getStatus(): int /** * Function returns the parent component (if exists) * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @return CBitrixComponent * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:350
- ⧉public setStatus(int $status, string $reasonPhrase = null): Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders Sets HTTP status code and prase. /** * Function returns the template object * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @return CBitrixComponentTemplate * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:336
- ⧉public parseStatus(string $status): Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders /** * Function returns the template page witch was set with initComponentTemplate * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @return string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:322
- ⧉public getHeaders(): array Retuns the headers as a two-dimentional array ('name' => values). /** * Returns signed parameters. * The list contains parameters which are presented in \CBitrixComponent::listKeysSignedParameters(). * * @see \CBitrixComponent::listKeysSignedParameters() * * @return string|null */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:285
- ⧉public getCookies(): Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpCookies Returns parsed cookies from 'set-cookie' headers. /** * @return mixed */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:272
- ⧉public getIterator(): Traversable Retrieve an external iterator /** * @param string $languageId */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:264
- ⧉public getFilename(): string|null Filename if it was found in the Content-disposition header or null otherwise. Returns a filename from the Content-disposition header. /** * @return mixed */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:256
- ⧉public getContentDisposition(): null|string Disposition-type part of the Content-Disposition header if found or null otherwise. Returns disposition-type part of the Content-Disposition header /** * @param string $siteId */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:248
- ⧉public getCharset(): null|string Returns the charset part of the Content-Type header. /** * @return mixed */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:240
- ⧉public getBoundary(): null|string Returns the boundary value of the Content-Type header. /** * @param string $siteTemplateId */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:232
- ⧉public getContentTypeAttribute(string $attribute): null|string Returns the specified attribute part of the Content-Type header. /** * Function sets the name of the template. Returns true on success. * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @param string $templateName * @return bool * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:220
- ⧉public getContentType(): null|string Returns the content type part of the Content-Type header in lower case. /** * Function returns the name of the template * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @return string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:205
- ⧉public toArray(): array Returns headers as a raw array. /** * Function returns path to component relative to Web server DOCUMENT_ROOT in form /bitrix/components/bitrix/component.name * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @return string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:191
- ⧉public toString(): string Returns the string representation for an HTTP request. /** * Function returns path to component in form /bitrix/component.name * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @return string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:177
- ⧉public clear() Clears all headers. /** * Function returns component name in form bitrix:component.name * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @return string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:163
- ⧉public has(string $name): bool Returns true if a header is set. /** * Constructor with ability to copy the component. * * @param CBitrixComponent $component */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:112
- ⧉public delete($name): void Deletes a header or headers by its name. /** * Event called from includeComponent before component execution. * * <p>Includes component.php from within lang directory of the component.</p> * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:93
- ⧉public get($name, $returnArray = false): null | string | string[] Returns a header value by its name. If $returnArray is true then an array with m... /** * Event called from includeComponent before component execution. * * <p>Takes component parameters as argument and should return it formatted as needed.</p> * @param array[string]mixed $arParams * @return array[string]mixed * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:82
- ⧉public set($name, $value) Sets (replaces) a header value. Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:594
- ⧉public add($name, $value) Adds a header value. Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:565
- ⧉public __construct(array $headers = null) Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:534
- protected reasonPhrase -> null Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:524
- protected version -> string (3) "1.1" Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:408
- name => string (12) "content-type" Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:260
- ⧉content-type => array (2) Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:253
- 0 => string (0) "" /** * Function saves component epilog environment * * @param array[string]mixed $arEpilogInfo * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1471
- name => string (14) "content-length" Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:203
- ⧉content-length => array (2) Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:173
- 0 => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru" /** * Function marks the arResult keys to be saved to cache. Just like __sleep magic method do. * * <p>Note: it's call adds key, not replacing.</p> * @param array[int]string $arResultCacheKeys * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1331
- name => string (4) "host" Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:71
- ⧉host => array (2) Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:60
- ⧉0 => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge... /** * Function deletes the cache created before. * * <p>Note: parameters must exactly match to startResultCache call.</p> * @param mixed $additionalCacheID * @param string|bool $cachePath * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1253
- name => string (10) "user-agent" Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:475
- ⧉user-agent => array (2) Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:349
- 0 => string (13) "gzip, deflate" /** * Function ends the caching block of the component execution. * * <p>Note: automaticly called by includeComponentTemplate.</p> * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1081
- name => string (15) "accept-encoding" Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:463
- ⧉accept-encoding => array (2) Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:444
- 0 => string (47) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml" /** * Function returns an cache identifier based on component parameters and environment. * * @param mixed $additionalCacheID * @return string */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:852
- name => string (6) "accept" /** * @param array $cookies * @return array */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:406
- ⧉accept => array (2) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216
- 0 => string (39) "https://www.amperkin.ru/product/320178/" /** * Function replaces Icons displayed for the component by an collection. * * @param array[int][string]mixed $arIcon * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:831
- name => string (7) "referer" /** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187
- ⧉referer => array (2) /** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144
- 0 => string (10) "Keep-Alive" /** * Function executes initialized template of the component. * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:778
- ⧉values => array (1) Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:362
- name => string (10) "connection" /** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113
- ⧉connection => array (2) /** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
- ⧉protected headers -> array (8) /** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92
- ⧉protected headers -> Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders (3) /** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82
- ⧉protected jsonData -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2) Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:291
- ⧉protected cookiesRaw -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2) /** * Function returns next pseudo random value. * * @param int $length * @return string * * @see \Bitrix\Main\Type\RandomSequence::randString */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1611
- ⧉protected cookies -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2) /** * Function executes the template. * * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @param string $templatePage * @param string $customTemplatePath * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:717
- ⧉protected files -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2) Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:594
- ⧉protected postData -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2) Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:75
- ⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object. /** * Function includes component.php file thus executing the component. Returns what component.php returns. * * <p>Before include there is some helper variables made available for component.php scope.</p> * <p>Note: component must be inited by initComponent method.</p> * @return mixed * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:586
- ⧉protected queryString -> Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary (2) /** * Retuns the current directory with a trailing slash (/). * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:77
- base64_decode(requestedPageDirectory) binary string (12) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:48
- ⧉protected requestedPageDirectory -> string (16) "/product/320178/" Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:43
- protected requestedPage -> string (25) "/product/320178/index.php" /** * @return Server */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Request Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/request.php:38
- ⧉protected static parseDigest($digest) 0 => string (47) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml"
- ⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values) /** * Function registers new view target for the cache. * * @param string $target * @param string $content * @param int $pos * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1583
- ⧉public jsonSerialize(): array /** * Function adds a button to be displayed. * * @param array[int]string $arButton * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1570
- ⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty. /** * Registers child frame for cache. * * @param \Bitrix\Main\Composite\StaticArea $frame * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1558
- ⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array. /** * Function registers children epilog file for cache. * * @param string $epilogFile * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1546
- ⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object /** * Function registers children js file for cache. * * @param string $jsPath * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1535
- ⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve /** * Function registers children css file for cache. * * @param string $cssPath * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1524
- ⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists /** * Function shows an internal error message. * * @param string $errorMessage * @param string $errorCode * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1512
- ⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element /** * Function restores component epilog environment and executes it. * * @param array[string]mixed $arEpilogInfo * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1485
- ⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid /** * Function saves component epilog environment * * @param array[string]mixed $arEpilogInfo * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1471
- ⧉public key() Return the key of the current element /** * Function adds an delete action to some area inside the component. * * <ul> * <li>$arParams['CONFIRM'] = false - disable confirm; * <li>$arParams['CONFIRM'] = 'Text' - confirm with custom text; * <li>no $arParams['CONFIRM'] at all - confirm with default text * </ul> * @param string $entryId * @param string $deleteLink * @param string|bool $deleteTitle * @param array[string]mixed $arParams * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1417
- ⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element /** * Function adds an edit action to some area inside the component. * * @param string $entryId * @param string $editLink * @param string|bool $editTitle * @param array[string]mixed $arParams * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1359
- ⧉public current() Return the current element /** * Function returns component area id for editing mode. * * @param string $entryId * @return string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1345
- ⧉public clear() /** * Function clears entire component cache. * * <p>Note: parameters must exactly match to startResultCache call.</p> * @param string $componentName * @param string $siteId * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1278
- ⧉public getValues(): array /** * Function includes class of the component by component name bitrix:component.base * * @param string $componentName * @return string * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:391
- ⧉public set($name, $value = null) Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:612
- ⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:541
- ⧉public setValues($values) /** * List of keys of parameters which the component have to sign, * * @return null|array */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:310
- ⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:479
- ⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set Defined in <ROOT>/local/components/dev/basket.big/class.php:449
- ⧉public toArrayRaw() Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1653
- ⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1648
- ⧉public parseAuthRequest(): array|false /** * Returns the string representation for an HTTP request. * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:187
- ⧉public transferUri($url, $queryString = '') /** * Clears all headers. */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:178
- ⧉public rewriteUri($url, $queryString, $redirectStatus = null) /** * Returns true if a header is set. * * @param string $name * @return bool */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:168
- ⧉public getScriptName(): string | null Returns SCRIPT_NAME. /index.php /** * Deletes a header or headers by its name. * * @param string $name * @return void */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:152
- ⧉public getPhpSelf(): string | null Returns PHP_SELF. /index.php/test1/test2 /** * Returns a header value by its name. If $returnArray is true then an array with multiple values is returned. * @param string $name * @param bool $returnArray * @return null | string | string[] */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:129
- ⧉public getRequestMethod(): string | null Returns requested method. /** * Sets (replaces) a header value. * @param string $name * @param string | string[] $value */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:117
- ⧉public getRequestUri(): string | null Returns requested uri. /index.php/test1/test2?login=yes&back_url_admin=/ /** * Adds a header value. * @param string $name * @param string | array $value * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:46
- ⧉public getRequestScheme() /** * @param string[] | string[][] | null $headers */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/httpheaders.php:29
- ⧉public getServerPort(): string | null Returns server port. 0 => string (0) ""
- ⧉public getUserAgent(): string|null Returns user agent. name => string (12) "content-type"⧉values => array (1)0 => string (0) ""
- ⧉public getRemoteAddr(): string|null Returns remote address. 0 => string (0) ""
- ⧉public getServerAddr(): string | null Returns server address. name => string (14) "content-length"⧉values => array (1)0 => string (0) ""
- ⧉public getServerName(): string | null Returns server name. 0 => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru"
- ⧉public getHttpHost(): string | null Returns server http host. name => string (4) "host"⧉values => array (1)0 => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru"
- ⧉public getPersonalRoot(): string | null Returns custom root folder. Server variable BX_PERSONAL_ROOT is used. If empty -... Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
- ⧉public getDocumentRoot(): string | null Returns server document root. ⧉0 => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
- ⧉public addFilter(Bitrix\Main\Type\IRequestFilter $filter) name => string (10) "user-agent"⧉values => array (1)⧉0 => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
- ⧉public __construct(array $arServer) Creates server object. 0 => string (13) "gzip, deflate"
- REAL_FILE_PATH => string (20) "/catalog/product.php" /** * Decodes JSON from application/json requests. */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:569
- ⧉REQUEST_TIME => integer 1706782478 Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:551
- REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT => double 1706782478.0225 /** * Returns Y if persistant cookies are enabled, N if disabled, or empty if unknown. * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:546
- base64_decode(PHP_SELF) binary string (12) /** * Returns script file possibly corrected by urlrewrite.php or virtual_file_system.php. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:492
- ⧉PHP_SELF => string (16) "/product/320178/" Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:391
- FCGI_ROLE => string (9) "RESPONDER" Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:373
- QUERY_STRING => string (0) "" /** * Returns the host from the server variable without a port number. * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:358
- REQUEST_METHOD => string (3) "GET" /** * Returns url-decoded and converted to the current encoding URI of the request (except the query string). * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:335
- CONTENT_TYPE => string (0) "" /** * Returns the current page calculated from the request URI. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:313
- CONTENT_LENGTH => string (0) "" Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:291
- base64_decode(SCRIPT_NAME) binary string (12) Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:286
- ⧉SCRIPT_NAME => string (16) "/product/320178/" /** * Returns server port. * * @return string | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:281
- base64_decode(REQUEST_URI) binary string (12) Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:271
- ⧉REQUEST_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/" Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:266
- base64_decode(DOCUMENT_URI) binary string (12) /** * Returns the User-Agent HTTP request header. * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:261
- ⧉DOCUMENT_URI => string (16) "/product/320178/" Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:252
- ⧉DOCUMENT_ROOT => string (33) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html" Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:247
- SERVER_PROTOCOL => string (8) "HTTP/1.1" Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:242
- REQUEST_SCHEME => string (5) "https" Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:237
- HTTPS => string (2) "on" /** * Returns the list of COOKIES parameters of the current request. * * @return Type\ParameterDictionary */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:232
- GATEWAY_INTERFACE => string (7) "CGI/1.1" /** * Returns the COOKIES parameter of the current request. * * @param $name * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:222
- SERVER_SOFTWARE => string (12) "nginx/1.20.1" /** * Returns the list of headers of the current request. * * @return HttpHeaders */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:211
- REMOTE_ADDR => string (15) "" /** * Returns the header of the current request. * * @param string $name Name of header. * * @return null|string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:201
- REMOTE_PORT => string (5) "52876" /** * Returns the list of FILES parameters of the current request. * * @return Type\ParameterDictionary */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:189
- SERVER_ADDR => string (14) "" /** * Returns the FILES parameter of the current request. * * @param $name * @return string | array | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:179
- SERVER_PORT => string (3) "443" /** * Returns the list of POST parameters of the current request. * * @return Type\ParameterDictionary */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:168
- SERVER_NAME => string (11) "amperkin.ru" /** * Returns the POST parameter of the current request. * * @param $name * @return string | array | null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:158
- REDIRECT_STATUS => string (3) "200" /** * Returns the list of GET parameters of the current request. * * @return Type\ParameterDictionary */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:147
- ⧉SCRIPT_FILENAME => string (55) "/home/www/amperkin.ru/public_html/bitrix/urlrewrite.php" /** * Returns the GET parameter of the current request. * * @param string $name Parameter name * @return null | string | array */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:137
- HTTP_HOST => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru" /** * Applies filter to the http request data. Preserve original values. * * @param Type\IRequestFilter $filter Filter object */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:91
- ⧉HTTP_USER_AGENT => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge... /** * Creates new HttpRequest object * * @param Server $server * @param array $queryString _GET * @param array $postData _POST * @param array $files _FILES * @param array $cookies _COOKIE */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/httprequest.php:61
- HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING => string (13) "gzip, deflate" 0 => string (0) ""
- HTTP_ACCEPT => string (47) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml" 0 => string (0) ""
- HTTP_REFERER => string (39) "https://www.amperkin.ru/product/320178/" 0 => string (15) "www.amperkin.ru"
- HTTP_CONNECTION => string (10) "Keep-Alive" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
- ⧉HOME => string (14) "/home/www-data" ⧉0 => string (111) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Ge...Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
- USER => string (8) "www-data" 0 => string (13) "gzip, deflate"
- ⧉protected values -> array (33) /** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133
- ⧉protected server -> Bitrix\Main\Server (2) /** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123
- protected rawValues -> null Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1638
- protected values -> array (0) /** * Marks a component as capable of composite mode. * You should use is to mark a whole component as * composite incompatible. * * @param bool $mode * @return void * */ Inherited from CBitrixComponent Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component.php:1630
- $basketBigComponent null Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70
- ⇄const METHOD_ACTION_SUFFIX :: string (6) "Action"\BasketBigComponent::METHOD_ACTION_SUFFIX /** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65
- ⇄⧉final public static clearComponentCache($componentName, $siteId = ''): void Function clears entire component cache.\CBitrixComponent::clearComponentCache($componentName, $siteId = '') /** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57
- ⇄⧉final public static includeComponentClass($componentName): string Function includes class of the component by component name bitrix:component.base\CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass($componentName) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49
- ⧉private getMeasure() /** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29
- ⧉protected request -> Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest (14) /** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92
- private frameMode -> null /** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82
- private randomSequence -> null Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
- private classOfComponent -> string (0) "" /** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
- private __editButtons -> array (0) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
- private __currentCounters -> array (0) /** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
- private __currentCounter -> integer 0 /** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17
- private __view -> array (0) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70
- private __children_frames -> array (0) /** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65
- private __children_epilogs -> array (0) /** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57
- private __children_js -> array (0) Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49
- private __children_css -> array (0) /** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29
- private __cachePath -> string (0) "" Properties (2)Available methods (22)protected values -> array (0)protected rawValues -> null⧉public getRaw($name): string | null Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns original value of any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:29⧉public toArrayRaw()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:49⧉public offsetSet($offset, $value) Offset to set/** * Offset to set */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:57⧉public offsetUnset($offset): void Offset to unset/** * Offset to unset */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:65⧉public setValues($values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:70⧉public __construct(array $values = null) Creates object./** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17⧉public get($name): string | array | null Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set./** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31⧉public set($name, $value = null)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43⧉public getValues(): array/** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58⧉public clear()Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71⧉public current() Return the current element/** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82⧉public next(): void Move forward to next element/** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92⧉public key() Return the key of the current element/** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103⧉public valid(): bool Checks if current position is valid/** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113⧉public rewind(): void Rewind the Iterator to the first element/** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123⧉public offsetExists($offset): bool Whether a offset exists/** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133⧉public offsetGet($offset) Offset to retrieve/** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144⧉public count(): int Count elements of an object/** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187⧉public toArray(): array Returns the values as an array./** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197⧉public isEmpty(): bool Returns true if the dictionary is empty./** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216⧉protected setValuesNoDemand(array $values)Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
- private __cacheID -> string (0) "" Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\ParameterDictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/parameterdictionary.php:14
- private __cache -> null Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:216
- private __NavNum -> boolean false /** * Returns true if the dictionary is empty. * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:206
- private __arIncludeAreaIcons -> array (0) /** * Returns the values as an array. * * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:197
- private __bInited -> boolean false /** * Count elements of an object * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:187
- ⇄public __parent -> nullself::$basketBigComponent->__parent /** * Offset to retrieve * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:144
- ⇄public arResultCacheKeys -> boolean falseself::$basketBigComponent->arResultCacheKeys /** * Whether a offset exists * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:133
- ⇄public arResult -> array (0)self::$basketBigComponent->arResult /** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:123
- ⇄public arParams -> array (0)self::$basketBigComponent->arParams /** * Checks if current position is valid * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:113
- private __component_epilog -> boolean false /** * Return the key of the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:103
- ⇄public __template -> nullself::$basketBigComponent->__template /** * Move forward to next element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:92
- ⇄public __templatePage -> string (0) ""self::$basketBigComponent->__templatePage /** * Return the current element * @internal * @deprecated */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:82
- private __templateName -> string (0) "" Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:71
- ⇄public __path -> string (0) ""self::$basketBigComponent->__path /** * @return array */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:58
- private __relativePath -> string (0) "" Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:43
- ⇄public __name -> string (0) ""self::$basketBigComponent->__name /** * Returns any variable by its name. Null if variable is not set. * * @param string $name * @return string | array | null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:31
- ⧉⌕self::$basketBigComponent BasketBigComponent (35) /** * Creates object. * * @param array | null $values */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/dictionary.php:17
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