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Parodi L. "Grammaire Savoir-DELF A1/B2 Corriges"
  • ISBN 9788853012449
  • Автор Parodi L.
  • Год издания 2013
  • Язык французский
  • Переплет мягкий
  • Вес 300 г
  • Аннотация For the preparation of the DELF certificate. Features: · 90 units presenting arguments in a simple and schematic manner, subdivided in the first 4 levels of the DELF (A1, A2, B1, B2) and accompanied by numerous exercises of various styles, gradually increasing in difficulty. · Two pages of Bilan at the end of every unit for checking competences. · Communiquer DELF sections with contextualised grammar exercises, reducing the gap between the theoretical and actual use of language, which can be used as DELF preparation. · A comprehensive concluding section of active review and additional exercises to consolidate what has been learned. · Annexes relating to the special features of the French language, the informal register and the complete conjugation of principal verbs. The digital book includes: · a digital version of the book · recordings of all listening exercises · numerous additional review activities · a monolingual dictionary with audio recordings of the pronunciation of key words · an interactive DELF practice test for every level · verb conjugation tables · the international phonetic alphabet Online: recordings of all listening exercises.

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